Saturday, February 7, 2009


IQALUIT, Canada — It is dark in the winter when Darcy Nowdlak goes to school and dark when he comes home. The sun barely gets above the horizon for a few hours. And it is cold —very cold. Often 20 degrees below zero. And Darcy loves it. Read more...

ACTIVITY 1: Click here and translate the previous paragraph into Spanish.
ACTIVITY 2: Click on the link "Read more..." above and read the text about Darcy and his life in Canada. Then, click here to answer the following questions.
  1. How old is Darcy?.
  2. Where does he live?.
  3. How many people live in his town?.
  4. How are "people" called where he lives?.
  5. What type of house does he live in?.
  6. How does he go to school?.
  7. What languages does he speak?.
  8. How many brothers and/or sisters has he got?.
  9. What does he like doing in his free time?.
  10. How does he ride around his town?.