A group of students from Bly, Oregon,wrote to us a few days ago. They would like to be our friends. In their letters they told us about themselves, their school and their town. We are very exited about having some friends in the United States, so we wrote them back yesterday morning. This is our letter:
Dear new friends,
Thank you for your letters. We liked them a lot!. We would like to know you better and continue writing letters back and forth.
We are a group of 12-13 year old students in 1º ESO (this is the 7th grade in the USA). There are 31 students in our group, 19 girls and 12 boys. The name of our school is “IES Francisco de Quevedo”. IES means “High School” so you know. There are 600 students and around 60 teachers. We are in a special class called “The European Section” , which means that we study 3 subjects in English: Physical Education, Art and Geography & History.
Our school is in Villanueva de los Infantes, which is a small rural town in the province of Ciudad Real, in the middle of Spain. There are 5,000 people in this town. Not everybody lives in the same town. Some of us come from nearby towns by bus. This year we have an American teacher, Connor. He helped us with this letter.
We can´t wait to hear from you!.
Talk to you soon!
Your Spanish friends.
P.S. - Alfonso, our English teacher, took these pictures while we were writing this letter:

We are a group of 12-13 year old students in 1º ESO (this is the 7th grade in the USA). There are 31 students in our group, 19 girls and 12 boys. The name of our school is “IES Francisco de Quevedo”. IES means “High School” so you know. There are 600 students and around 60 teachers. We are in a special class called “The European Section” , which means that we study 3 subjects in English: Physical Education, Art and Geography & History.
Our school is in Villanueva de los Infantes, which is a small rural town in the province of Ciudad Real, in the middle of Spain. There are 5,000 people in this town. Not everybody lives in the same town. Some of us come from nearby towns by bus. This year we have an American teacher, Connor. He helped us with this letter.
We can´t wait to hear from you!.
Talk to you soon!
Your Spanish friends.
P.S. - Alfonso, our English teacher, took these pictures while we were writing this letter:
ACTIVITY: What do you know about Oregon?. Take this quiz and find it out?.