Sunday, April 26, 2009


Dear students of 1º ESO-Sección Europea,

It was Earth Day last Wednesday, April 22nd, and to celebrate it I proposed to wear something green to school that day. Many of you accepted my proposal and wore one item of green clothing. I am happy to know that I have a lot of "
green" students.

Thank you very much.

Connor (left) and me (right) with the class.

From left to right: David Pacheco, Jesús Arias and Lidia Mata.

From left to right
Front Row: Paula Molina and Irene Talavera.
Middle row: Cynthia Clemente and Sara Gómez.
Back row: Ismael Torres and David Vélez.

From left to right
Front Row: mª Ángeles García and J.Javier Pacheco.
Middle row: Mª Paz Montalvo and Verónica Romero.
Back row: Bárbara Lorenzo.

From left to right
Front Row: María Chocano and Sara Pérez.
Second row: Rafael Serrano and Inés Fernández-Yáñez.
Third row: Guillermo Jiménez and Alberto Villar.
Fourth row: Sergio Segundo.
Fifth row: Pablo Marco
Back row: Celia Navarro and Carmen Valverde.

Part of the class.

From left to right
Front Row: Sara Gómez and Cynthis Clemente.
Back row: Irene Talavera and Paula Molina.
Back: Verónica, Mª Paz, J.Javier Pacheco and Mª Ángeles.

David Pacheco (left) and Jesús Arias (right).

Celia Navarro (left) and Carmen Valverde (right).

Back to front: Celia, Carmen, Pablo and Sergio.

From left to right
María Pozo, Gonzalo Martínez and Juan Fermín Zopeque.

David Vélez.

1º ESO - Sección Europea.

Make a list of the possible ways in which we and our school might celebrate "Earth Day" next year. What things might we do?. What events might we organise?. Write your ideas here.

1 comment:

Mrs. Donald said...

Hi my name is Anna I am in fifth grade, I am 11 years old ,and I am an American Indian. I have to talk to you later bye!